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Journal of Clinical Psychology is a quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal in the field of clinical psychology which is published by Semnan University Press and is supported by the Ministry of Science, Reserch and Technology. The journal is an Iranian double-blind, peer-reviewed open-access journal which publish research articles in a quarterly timetable. Our main activity is centered in the Semnan University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. The journal accepts Persian-language with English abstract manuscripts for review and publication from different sources including university students, faculty members and research centers. The JCP journal has been established to reflect the most important scientific advances of the country in the field of clinical psychology and follows a very tough standards and rules for publication. Authors from all around the country are charged for review process (1000,000 Rials) and final publication(2,500,000 Rials) of their research papers. The journal is published in both a print version and an online version.
Journal Basic Information:
Pages 1-16
Jamil Mansouri; Nazila Amani; Mohammad Ali Besharat; Mina Mohammadi
Pages 17-31
Zahra Shirani; mohamad reza Tamannaeifar; Babak Tamizifar
Pages 33-46
Saeed Imani
Pages 47-65
Mohammadreza Noroozi Homayoon; Mohamad Hatami Nejad; Esmaeil Sadri Damirchi; Masoud Sadeghi
Pages 67-81
Hassan Shafiei; Hanieh Talebi
Pages 83-97
Farkhondeh Nikkhah; Nahid Havasi; Mahdi Shahnazari; Marjan HoseinzadehTaghvai; masoumeh Zhian bagheri
Pages 99-112
Soheila Maboud; Mostafa Zarean; Touraj Hashemi Nosratabad