Author = Makvand Hoseini, Shahrokh
Prediction of Hurt Feeling Proneness in Multiple Sclerosis Patients according to Personality Dimensions

Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016, Pages 97-107


P Khalili,; SH. Makvand-Hosseini,; E Rahimian-Bogar,

Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy on the Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Volume 5, Issue 4, January 2014, Pages 55-62


Shahrokh Makvand Hoseini; Ali Mohammad Rezaei; Mohammad Mahdi Azadi

The Comparison of Executive Function in Prisoners with Antisocial Personality Disorder and Normal Individuals

Volume 5, Issue 2, July 2013, Pages 45-55


Parvin Rafienia; Samira Zahmatbar; Issac Rahimian Bogar; Omran Asadi; Naserodin Kazemi Haqiqi

Diagnosis of Higher Level Personality Pathology by Using Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy

Volume 4, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 75-85


Andisheh Vahedi; Shahrokh Makvand-Hosseini; Eman-Allah Bigdeli

The Effectiveness of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy on Aggression in Preschoolers

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 65-74


Mojtaba Rajab-Pour; Shahrokh Makvand- Housseini; Parvin Rafie- Nia

Cognitive Pain Related Risk Factors for Cesarean: A Comparison in Private and Public Hospitals

Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2011, Pages 55-61


Samaneh Ghoshchian; Shahroukh Makvand; Imanollah Bigdeli; Behnaz Behnam

Diabetes Self Management: Social, Demographical and Disease Factors

Volume 1, Issue 4, January 2010, Pages 43-57


Issac Rahimian Boogar; Mohammad Ali Besharat; Mohammad Reza Mohajeri Tehrani; Siavosh Talepasand