Impacts of Individual and Family Psychoeducation on Lithium and Bilirubin Blood Serum Levels of the Bipolar Disorder Patients type 1

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate of Psychology, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor: Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan, Iran

3 Associate Professor: Faculty Member of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , Mashhad, Iran


Introduction: This study aims to investigate the impacts of individual and family psychoeducation on bipolar 1 patients to balance the Lithium and Bilirubin biomarkers while in psychiatric routin treatment.
Method: After investigating inclusion and exclusion criteria, a sample of 66 bipolar disorder I patients were purposfuly selected. Subjects were divided into three groups randomly: individual- psychoeducation, family- psychoeducation and control group. The first two  experimental groups received individual and family psychoeducation, while the control group had simple visits by a counselor. Lithium and Bilirubin serume levels  were measured using the Pars Azmoon laboratory kits in three phases of pretest, posttest and follow-up. Data were extracted and analyzed by a Multivariate Analysis of Covariance.
Results: Results showed a significant difference for the Lithium serum level of research groups. Family psychoeducation group at posttest showed a significant higher average than control group. The family psychoeducation group at 2 months follow up was higher in the serum Lithium level than control group as well.
Conclusion: Family psychoeducation  could balance the lithium serum levels, and control the symptoms of bipolar disorder 1 in short and long term. The  adjunct individual and family psychoeducation are recommended to this patients beside their routin psychiatric treatments.


Main Subjects

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