The assessment of the distinctive indicators in "Self-Figure Drawings" of three groups of children with internalizing problems, Externalizing Problems, and Normal Children



Introduction: The purpose of present project was to examine the distinctive indicators in Self-Figure drawings in three groups of children with internalizing problems, those with externalizing problems, and the normal children.
Method: A total of 4000 Child Behavior Checklist were administered in 34 boys and girls elementary schools in six different Tehran school districts .Using a purposeful sampling method n= 90 students (30 in each group) were selected and Individual Self-Figure drawings were collected and interpreted using the indicators chart.
Results: A Chi square analysis reflected significant differences between three groups. The internalizing group showed the higher rate for 11indicators such as :drawing by the edge or down the page, drawing no hair, drawing the trunk in the shape of a square, while The externalizing group showed the higher rate for 11 indicators such as :drawing big head, accentuated hair, arms like arrows and downward.
Conclusions: The observed indicators in internalizing group corresponds low self-steam and inhibition, whereas those of externalizing group corresponds self-valuation and centralization of self