Preliminary study of applicability of mindfulness based cognitive therapy protocol for depressed patients with suicidal thought: A case study



Introduction: The aim of this research was to provide a concise short-term treatment protocol based on MBCT for use with the major depressive disordered patients who have suicidal thought .
Method: The treatment protocol was designed according to essentials of clinical applicability for counseling and psychological interventions. Systematic meta analytic studies and efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapies on depression and suicide were reviewed . Provided manual was administered on a depressed patient who had suicidal thoughts and the results were assessed in a form of case report for the first time. Instruments were included BDI II , BSSI and 2 researcher made inventories.
Results: Results indicated that short-term treatment protocol based on MBCT has decreased depression (10 scores) and suicidal thoughts (4 scores) in the depressed patients. Follow-up study were also showed a 6 months stability for the treatment effects .
Conclusions: The provided treatment manual could be effective in decreasing depression and suicidal thoughts of depressed patients .
