Predicting changes of emotional processing indicators based on dysfunctional cognitions worry, perfectionism and disorder types



Introduction: The aim of this study was to predict the changes of emotional processing indicators based on worry dysfunctional cognitions, perfectionism and disorder types .
Method: Subjects of the study were n=45 patients (male and female) with obsessive compulsive (checking and washing) and anxiety disorder who were selected by available sampling method. After clinical interview and providing the anxiety hierarchy ,an exposure made and subjective distress and heart beat of patients were recorded in 2 sessions. For examining the dysfunctional cognitions, dysfunctional attitude scale and AHWAZ worry inventory was used.
Results: Findings showed that worry and perfectionism significantly were predicted emotional processing indicators .
Conclusions: worry and perfectionism are obstacles for emotional processing in the exposure
Situations. No emotional processing might be responsible for inefficiency of exposure for the patients with worry and perfectionism
