The Efficacy of Brief Object Relations Psychotherapy on Reduction of Depression Severity and Interpersonal Problems of Women suffer from Major Depressive Disorder Comorbid with Cluster C Personality Disorders



Introduction: Co morbid personality disorders causes relapse, chronocity and lack of recovery from depression. The current study investigated the efficacy of Brief Object Relations psychotherapy on reduction of depression severity and interpersonal problems of women suffer from major depressive disorder co morbid with cluster C personality disorders.
Method: By purposeful sampling method, 6 subjects met the in/exclusion criteria, were participated in a single subject design study randomly. Interventions were arranged based on A/B with follow up design. Each subject completed Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and interpersonal Questionnaire every session during 3 baselines, 15 treatment and 3 follow up assessment sessions. Data were analyzed by visual analysis of graphic displays, Cohen’s coefficient effect size for statistical significance and remission rate for clinical significance.
Results: Patients totally reached 55% remission in depression severity with mean effect size 1.92 and 42% remission in interpersonal problems with mean effect size 2.06. Gains were maintained in follow up.
Conclusion: The efficacy of Brief Object Relations psychotherapy on reduction of depression severity and interpersonal problems of women suffer from major depressive disorder co morbid with cluster C personality disorders was statistically and clinically significant.
