Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Symptoms Intensify Reduction and Depression in a Patient with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder: A Single Case Study



Introduction: Schema Therapy created by young et al, new and integrated treatment which is mainly
based on development of concepts and methods of classical cognitive - behavioral therapy for
treatment of characterical disorders. The aim of this study was determine the effectiveness of schema
therapy on symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and depression in a case with
obsessive-compulsive personality.
Method: The participant of this study was a 32 years single woman with obsessive compulsive
personality disorder, that diagnosed by semi-structure interview for axis I and II of DSM-IV-TR
(SCID). Martukovich questionnaire was used to assessment of obsessive compulsive personality
disorder and the beck depression inventory was used to assessment depressive symptoms. In this study
single case series with A-B design was used. In this method after baseline, the intervention began and
Schema therapy was administered for 16 sessions. Two follows-up were applied, one month and two
month after the 16th session.
Results: The results of this study based on the visual analyses indicators and descriptive statistics
showed that in the follow up phase compared to the baseline, the intervention was effective in
reduction of OCPD and depression.
Conclusion: The results of this study consistent with previous researches showed that schema therapy
reduces symptopms of depression and obsessive compulsive personality disorder in patients with
obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
