The Comparison of Attention Performance between Dependent and Non-Dependent Individuals to Methamphetamine



Introduction: The purpose of this study was to comparison of attention performance between dependent and non-dependent individuals to Methamphetamine.
Method: The research design was a Causal-Comparative research. From rehabilitation centers in Saveh City, 30 men based on psychiatric diagnosing interview and DSM-TV-TR criteria selected with convenience sampling method as methamphetamine’s dependent group. Then, 30 normal men who were matched by age, gender and educational levels with dependent group, selected as an independent group. To collect data, the Stroop test, spatial cuing and Simon effect which are a part of Coglab software, were used. Data analyzed by, multivariate analysis of variance, analysis of variance tests.
Results: The result showed that dependent individuals’ to methamphetamine attention function was different with independent individuals, in selective attention based on response choice (tested with Simon effect), valid situation and invalid situation of spatial cuing which assessed by visual attention, and also selective attention (which is tested by Stroop effect) based on stimuli recognition. But, both groups didn't show any significant difference in visual attention when there was not any sign for stimuli position (neutral condition).
Conclusion: According to these findings, methamphetamine has significant effect on weakling attention function.
