The Comparison of Intolerance of Uncertainty, Emotion Regulation and Marital Satisfaction in OCD-Patients and Normal Individuals



Introduction: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a debilitating disorder which makes many adaptational problems for patients and their families. The purpose of this study was the comparison of intolerance of uncertainty, emotion regulation and marital satisfaction in OCD-patients and normal individuals.
Method: This study used a case-control design. The population of the study included all the patients with OCD who referred to the Psychiatric Hospital of Razi in Tabriz in the second half of 1392. 25 subjects were selected by using simple random sampling and 25 ordinary subjects were selected as a comparison group. MANOVA was used for analyzing the data.
Results: The results showed that among two groups, OCD-patients and normal subjects, there were significant differences in intolerance of Uncertainty in this way that the average scores of OCD-patients in intolerance of Uncertainty was higher than normal subjects’ average. Also it was observed a significant difference in the variables of emotion regulation and marital satisfaction between OCD patients and normal subjects, in this way that the average scores of OCD-patients in emotion regulation and marital satisfaction were lower than normal subjects’ average.
Conclusion: The results of the current study show that in tolerance of uncertainty, emotion regulation and marital satisfaction of OCD patients in comparison with the normal group has been a failure and as a result, they require special attention in the treatment of this disorder.
