The Effectiveness of Muscular Relaxation with Positive Imagination of Success on Test Anxiety and Fear of Negative Evaluation



Introduction: Fear of judgment and evaluation by others is the foundation and basis of Test Anxiety (TA) and fear of negative evaluation. The aim of this study was to research the effectiveness of muscular relaxation with positive imagination of success on test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation.
Method: The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up and control group. The sample consisted of 30 students who were matched from age, sex, educational status, acquiring one standard deviation above the mean in test anxiety and negative fear of negative evaluation and other criteria considered in this research. Then randomly divided into two groups as experimental and control. The experimental group administered 8 sessions of muscular relaxation with positive imagination of success but the control group receive no intervention. The instruments were Sarason Test Anxiety Questionnaire and Watson & Friend Fear of Negative Evaluation Questionnaire.
Results: The results revealed that there was a significant difference between two groups in test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation (p
