Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Parental Origins in Patients With Gender Identity Disorder and Normal Individuals



Introduction: The purpose of this present study was comparing of early maladaptive schemas and parental origins of these schemas amoung the patients with gender-identity disorders and normal individuals.

Method: The present research is a causal- comparative study. The statistical sample included 78 individuals in two groups, clinical (patients with gender-identity) and normal individuals (control 39 people) who were selected using convenience sampling. Data collection of clinical group was done by referring to the legal medical, psychotherapy and psychology clinics and Gender Reconstruction Surgery (GRS) in Tehran, Shiraz and Mahmoud Abad.The samples were evaluated by Early Maladaptive Schema scale (YSQ-RE2 R) and Young parenting inventory (YPI), General  Health Questionnaire (GHQ) who performance for general group.

Results: The data analyzed, since data distribution wasn’t normal (with one-sample Kolmogrov-Smirnoff test and Shapiro-vilk test and probability-probability chart), non-parametric equivalent of independent T test (U Mann-Whitney) and correlation coefficient were used. In this present study, Cranach’s alpha all parts of the questionnaire was gained about 0.78. The survey shows that there was significant difference between two clinics and normal groups among 9. This means that early maladaptive schemas were more in the clinics group. There was significant between two groups of gender-identity disorder and normal people from point of view of prior incompatible parental origins schemas (related to mother and father).

Conclusion:  The data analyzed, since data distribution wasn’t normal (with one-sample Kolmogrov-Smirnoff test and Shapiro-vilk test and probability-probability chart), non-parametric equivalent of independent T test (U Mann-Whitney) and correlation coefficient were used. In this present study, Cronbach’s alpha all parts of the questionnaire was gained about 0.78. The survey shows that there was significant difference between two clinics and normal groups among 9. This means that early maladaptive schemas were more in the clinics group. There was significant between two groups of gender-identity disorder and normal people from point of view of prior incompatible parental origins schemas (related to mother and father).
