Lower order factor analysis of personality factors based on Persian lexical study

Document Type : Original Article



Introduction:In spite of one century research on lexical study of personality, have beenonly few systematic basic lexical study of personality in Iranian culture. Current study aimed to develop a hierarchical personality model based on Persian lexical study.
Method:763 students through Tehran universities were randomly recruited and responded to 147 personality descriptors that had already developed by current researchers based on personality lexical studies guidelines through Persian dictionaries.
Results: Lower order factor analysis using principle component analysis-direct Oblimin rotation conducted on Iranian personality dimensions that already discovered by last research(Neuroticism, Agreeableness,Conscientiousness, Extraversion combined with Openness to Experience, and Sobriety). Parallel analysis was used to determine the number of factors. Results of current research implied that in spite of big similarities between sub-components of extracted factors of this research and best-known personality models, there are distinct difference between these models.
Conclusion: Comparing current hierarchical models of Iranian personality lexical study with theoretical models give many useful implications in developing comprehensive model of personality in Iranian culture.


Main Subjects

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