Psychometric properties of Adjustment Disorder New Model-20(ADNM-20)

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of clinical psychology, faculty of psychology and educational science, Shiraz university, Shiraz, Iran

2 Department of clinical psychology,Faculty of educational science and psychology,Shiraz university,Shiraz.Iran

3 Department of clinical psychology,faculty of educational science and psychology,Shiraz university,Shiraz,Iran


Introduction:The adjustment disorder new model questionnaire is regarded as a self-report instrument which is utilized to evaluate the adjustment disorder. This research aims to adapt, introduce and examine the psychometric properties of this questionnaire in the Iranian population.
Method: The participants wereincluded150 (92 male and 58 female) Shiraz residents that selected purposefully. All of them filled 7 scales of: Life Satisfaction, Vitality, Hope, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Symptom Check, DASS and PSS scales. To substantiate the entire questionnaire reliability and the pertaining parameters, Cronbach’s alpha was used. To examine factorial structures of questionnaire the component correlation with total score was computed.
Results: Statistical evidence supportsthe appropriate validity and reliability of the questionnaire.Besides,the fitness indices were proportionate to the model. Components of adjustment disorder questionnaire show positive correlation with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), symptoms check, DASS and PSS scales. Negative correlation values evident for life satisfaction withhope, as well as,for vitality and component of adjustment disorder questionnaire.
Conclusion: The adjustment disorder new model questionnaire could bean appropriate instrument for individual symptom assessment, and clinical diagnosis and research in Iran.


Main Subjects

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