The effectiveness of spark and neurofeedback training programs on the cortisol levels of autistic children

Document Type : Original Article


Semnan University


Introduction: Autism is a kind of progressive disorder that children suffer from anxiety in their personal and social life. The aim of the current study was to determine the effectiveness of 8 weeks of Spark Traning Program along with Neurofeedback on the cortisol levels of autistic children.

Method: In a semi-experimental design, 24 autistic children aged 8 to 12 years were selected and randomly divided into 4 groups (1-Spark training 2- Neurofeedback 3-Spark training + Neurofeedback and 4- control group). Three groups undergon 45 minutes 2 days per weeks therapeutic sessions in 8 weeks interval, whereas no intervention received by control subjects and just engaged in their routine activities. Cortisol measurements were administered in pre-test and post-test under the same conditions from all four groups. 

Results: Applying  Analysis of Covariance  on the resulting data showed that mean scores of the cortisol levels significantly  decreased in the spark training group, neurofeedback group, and spark + neurofeedback training group, and the most effectiveness was the combination of Spark and neurofeedback training, whereas no important changes detected for control group.

Conclusion: It could be concluded that receiving isolated  and adjunct Spark and Neurofeedback training effectively reduce cortisol level in autistic children. Adjunct training however had robust effects.


Main Subjects

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