Relationship of self-oriented and society-oriented perfectionism with academic burn-out regarding mediating role of the internal and external motivation

Document Type : Original Article




Introduction: The goal of this study was to investigat the mediating role of internal and external motivation in the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism, as well as, society-oriented perfectionism with academic burn-out in students of the Farhangian University in Semnan city.

Method: regarding the purpose of the study this is an applied research, while in data gathering view could be considerd as a descriptive-correlative. Statistical population includes all the students of Farhangian University in 1394-95 academic year. Study sample were included 240 students (144 male and 96 femal) who were selected by a stratified randomized sampling method. All participants completed scales of perfectionism, academic motivation and academic burn-out and the dataset was analyzed with a Pearson’s  correlation and a path analysis statistical model.

Results: Study results were indicated a significant negative correlation effect for self-oriented perfectionism and academic burn-out in the students. Self-oriented perfectionism indirectly and with mediation of internal academic motivation was negatively related to academic burn-out in students. A significant negative effect was evident for society-oriented perfectionism relating to  students’ academic burn-out as well, whereas no significant effect was found for society-oriented perfectionism  with external motivation mediation.

Conclusion: It could be concluded that personality factors such as self-perfectionism and internal educational motivation cosiderably affect academic burn-out among university students.


Main Subjects

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