Mediating Role of Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory in Relationship of Rumination and Defective Executive Functions by Dysfunctional Problem Solving in Major Depression Disorder patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 payamnoor university

2 department of psychology.payamnoor university


Introduction: Problem solving is known as important factor in major depression disorder. Some studies have recently shown that rumination and impairment of the executive function may be an underlying feature of ineffective problem-solving in MDD patients.The present study focusing on CaR-FA-X Williams model, investigated the intermediate role of over-general autobiographical memory on the relationship between rumination and impairment of executive function with ineffective problem-solving in major depression individuals.
Method: A total sample of 50 subjects with major depression were selected by available sampling method during the April to September 2017 interval. All subjects were referred to counseling center of Payame Noor University, Afarinish Center and Shariati Hospital in Fasa. For data collection, after diagnosis of major depression by a psychologist, Autobiographical Memory Test, Means-Ends Problem Solving Procedure, Rumination Questionnaire, and Wisconsin Card Test were used.
Results: The results showed that rumination directly (-0.471) and indirect (-0.103) affect the problem solving. The overall effect of ruminant on problem solving (-0.573) is significant at 95% level. Therefore, with a significant direct and indirect effect, autobiographical memory acts as a partial mediator in the effect of rumination on problem solving. Also, direct effect of executive function (0. 309) and indirect effect of function (0.057) on significant problem solving. Therefore, overgeneral autobiographical memory acts as a partial mediator in the impact between the executive function on problem solving.
Conclusion:The present study partialy supports the Williams CaR-FA-X model. Results showed that depressed people, due to their negative mood, rumination, and impairment in executive functions, have a particular problem in restoring their memory, and this is a problem in retrieval and solving problems. It also affects their problems and makes them to produce less effecient solutions.


Main Subjects

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