Effectiveness of Transference-focused Psychotherapy on Reflective Functioning and Symptomatology of the Borderline Personality Disordered patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 psychology department, education and psychology faculty, tabriz university, iran

2 tabriz university


Introduction: The present study aims to determine the effectiveness of a transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) on reflective functioning (RF) and symptomatic reduction in clients with Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD).
Method: This applied research was a semi-experimental, single-subject A-B-A design. Among the clients with BPD who referred to Ibn-e-Sina Hospital in Mashhad, 3 persons, were selected by purposeful sampling, and were subjected to TFP for one year. Data were collected using (RFQ) and Borderline Personality Questionnaire (STB) in three stages of baseline, treatment and follow-up in 15 months.
Results: The findings revealed significantly increased  RF total scores and decreased BPD symptoms in the treatment and follow-up stages. Reflective function of certainty has been significantly increased whereas no change detected for uncertainty. Further, a significant reduction in hopelessness and impulsivity observed, but this changes was not evident in paranoia and dissociation symptoms.
Conclusion: The one year TFP treatment could effectively increase the reflective functioning and create important structural and symptomatic changes in the BPD patients. Future research is required for deeper understanding of the treatment dimensions.


Main Subjects

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