Comparative Study of the Semnan University Journal of Clinical Psychology based on Scientometrics Indexes from 2009 to 2018

Document Type : Original Article


1 Information science and knowledge studies department of semnan university, semnan, Iran

2 Information science and knowledge studies department. semnan university


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of different scientometrics indexes for evaluating and monitoring the Journal of Clinical Psychology (JCP) compared to similar journals in different years from the first time of the publication to the current time based on the data from the journals assessment databases.
Method: In this study, using the scientometrics method and with the help of the scientometrics indices available via Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) and the Scientific Journal Ranking System of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology the data of the Journal of Clinical Psychology of Semnan University were extracted and analyzed.
Results: Impact Factor (IF) of the Journal of Clinical Psychology of Semnan University was higher than the average impact factor of the field of human sciences in all studied years. In some years, the IF of the journal has been higher than the average of the IF of the psychology field. In term of the Q index, The JCP is in the second quarter of the journals of the field.  There has also been a history of the first quartet in the years studied (2014), which indicates the importance of this journal among the journals. This is in a situation that some of the journals in the field of psychology lacked the Q index. Also in the immediately index, which refers to the rapid growth of citations within a year, the JCP with the immediately index of 0.139 in 2016 has had the most of this index during the years of the study.  The results also showed that the JCP has not only a good position among the journals of Semnan University, but also among the journals of clinical psychology of Iran in the IF comparing with other journals has been better performance and the index has grown steadily over the years.
Conclusion: Improvement of scientometrics indexes of the Journal of Clinical Psychology of Semnan University during 2011-2016 showed the growth of this journal. The highest score of the journal (80 points) among the Semnan University journals and also ranked A among academic journals according to the Scientific Journal Ranking System of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology can be considered as the strength of this journal.


Main Subjects

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