Comparison of Visual Memory Performance in Marijuana Dependent and Normal Persons

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student of Clinical Psychology, Semnan University, Mehdishahr School

2 psychology, semnan university, semnan, iran


Introduction: Drug use and involvement with its harmful effects are major challenges for most societies.The extent of this destruction is so much that it affects not only the individual but also the social relationships of friends, family, education and work. Marijuana is a prevalent drug among young people and its consumption has grown more in youth rather than cigarettes and alcohol. The aim of this study was to compare the visual memory of marijuana dependents to normal individuals.
Method: The present study was a causal-comparative study which was performed on two groups of marijuana and normal individuals by available sampling method. The statistical population of this study was all individuals with marijuana consumption in Tehran who referred to addiction treatment centers from May to August 2017. The sample consisted of 30 marijuana users and the group of 30 normal individuals who were selected from adolescent addicts who were matched in terms of age, sex and education with the marijuana group. To test the visual memory function, the Ray-Ostrrieth Complex Figure Test was used.
Results: The results showed that marijuana-dependent people had more problems in visual memory and scored lower scores in all three stages of testing compared to the normal group.
Conclusion: Regular use of marijuana has many defects and cognitive impairments in the performance of visual memory. These types of defects can be considered in rehabilitation programs intended to improve the conditions of addicts and treat them, and seek to design appropriate programs to reduce them.


Main Subjects

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