Predicting Sleep Difficulties Based on Insecure Attachment Styles regarding Mediating Role of Depression and Anxiety

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tabriz University

2 Department of psychology,university of Tabrizu, city Tabrizu, country lran

3 Department of psychology,university of tabrizu, city tabrizu, country iran


Introduction: The  sleep quality and duration are important factors influencing physical and mental health. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between insecure attachment styles and sleep problems considering the mediating role of depression and anxiety.
Method: The present study was conducted with a correlational method.  The study population of was female students in the second course of 11
grade in different fields of study of Tabriz city (N=9426). The sample size was 373 according to Morgan table. They were assessed by Petersburg Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI), Hazen & Shaver Adult Attachment Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics methods (Structural Equation Modeling: SEM).
Results: The effects of avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles on depression, anxiety, and sleep problems were significant (beta coefficients were above 0.30). The indirect effects of avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles on sleep problems through depression and anxiety were significant (beta coefficients above 0.15).
Conclusion: Results demonstrated that there were significant relationships between avoidant, ambivalent insecure attachment styles and depression as well as anxiety. There was a significant relationship between depression, anxiety and sleep problems. Hence, depression and anxiety could mediate the relationship between avoidant, ambivalent insecure attachment styles and sleep problems.


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