Author = M Narimani
Comparison of the effectiveness of resiliency training and emotion regulation on perceived stress and anxiety sensitivity in firefighting staff

Volume 12, Issue 4, January 2021, Pages 103-113


Niloufar Sharifi; Sajjad Basharpoor; Mohmmad Narimani; Nasser Sobhi-Gharamaleki

Comparison of Mindfulness and Anxiety Sensitivity among Students with Compulsive Hoarding and Body Dysmorphic

Volume 5, Issue 3, October 2013, Pages 23-33


Mohammad Narimani; Marziyeh Amini; َAbbas Abolghasemi; Adel Zahed Babolan

Effectiveness of Cognitive Processing Therapy and Holographic Reprocessing on the Reduction of Psychological Symptoms in Students Exposed to Trauma

Volume 3, Issue 3, October 2011, Pages 41-52


Mohammad Narimani; Sajjad Bashar-Pour; Hossein Ghamari_Givi; Abbas Aboul-Ghasemi

The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation Training on Mental Health in Chemical Weapon Victims

Volume 2, Issue 4, January 2011, Pages 61-71


Mohmmad Narimani; Saeed Ariapouran; Abbas Abolghasemi; Batool Ahadi